It is called the happy medium by many. The mountain bikes with 27.5-inch wheels (also called 650B) are the balance between the classic 26-inch and the bigger 29-inch. When you make the decision to buy a full suspension bike, the comfort of the suspended rear suspension platform also matters. A 27.5'' full suspension mountain bike offers the biker the advantages of its "little" as well as "big" siblings. A 27.5'' full suspension mountain bike impresses with its very smooth running coupled with incredbile maneuverability on narrow, interlocking trails - no matter whether you are in the Alps or Lake Garda. Mountain bikes with wheel and tyre size 650B are equally popular among cross-country, enduro, downhill, and trail bikers. In the XC area, they offer, especially for short bikers, the advantages of the bigger wheels without limiting the geometry, sitting position or the maneuverability of the full suspension bike. Here you can find your offer for mountain bikes with the new wheel size 27.5 inches.